Can you imagine waking up feeling a thrill for another day of study/work/personal fulfilment! Will it not be tremendous fun getting improved results and personal satisfaction?
Knowing the specifics of what you’re good at and what you need to live your best life, empower you to re-evaluate and diversify your support systems, to improve your relationships, job performance and ultimate performance.
It is not totally unusual if you find life’s daily challenges too demanding at transitioning stages when you are asked to execute more complicated self managing functions, learning and daily performance.
If you struggle to handle your new life as a student or in the work place, be kind enough to yourself to find what’s getting in the way and what you need to be at your personal best.
In the work place, ADHD coaching helps leaders raise the bar on their own and/or employees’ performance, productivity, engagement and collaboration.
Through the understanding and awareness that accompanies the strengths based approach of ADHD coaching and education, the success paths for teams also become unblocked.
Strategies that work for clients without ADHD/ADD, often do not work for ADDers. Important when choosing to work with a coach, is to make sure that the coach has specialised training in ADHD.